Gross Motor Skills

Session duration: 40 min

We are here for you

Gross motor skills are vital for your child’s everyday adventures – whether it’s running around the playground, playing sports, or simply getting dressed.

These skills are essential for a range of activities from walking and climbing to managing self-care tasks like standing on one leg to put on pants.

If your child is having trouble with movement, balance, or participating in physical activities, early intervention can make a big difference.

Addressing these issues now helps prevent potential developmental delays and boosts their confidence and abilities.

What kind of help can I expect?

In our personalized sessions, we will:

  • Assess Your Child’s Gross Motor Skills: Identify their current abilities and areas for improvement.
  • Provide Expert Support: Offer practical strategies and advice to aid their development.
  • Share Useful Resources: Provide tools and activities to strengthen and enhance their gross motor skills.

Ready to get your child moving confidently? Schedule an appointment to support their gross motor skills development today!